English: wavelength in sine wave (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: Simple Sine Graph with description (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: This shows several waveforms: sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and rising sawtooth wave. Français : Cette image montre plusieurs formes d'onde: sinus, carrées, triangle, et dents de scie. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Ever wonder what sounds are made of? These are the building blocks of sound. Check out these informational YouTube videos on sound synthesis, sound waves , and music technology. Online Noise Generator http://simplynoise.com/ Basic Sound Waves Sine wave to Square Wave Additive Synthesis Visual only LOGIC STUDIO NOTES Logic Studio's ES2 synthesizer has a Tutorial Library which has several basic settings that can be used for amazing original synth beats. The EX24 has basic sound waves under: Synthesizers/Synth waveforms . There you will find both Analog and Digital waveforms that you...