English: Photograph of musician Nicole Skeltys (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
And we would love to write about you!
If you are an artist, musician, poet, video artist, filmmaker, writer, singer, music tech specialist, etc. we would love to add you to our new NMR Artist Spotlight series. The New Music Resource currently has over 7000 hits per month, reaching countless artists and musicians throughout the world, including the Americas, Australia, and Europe.
Write a short blurb about your latest concert, project, album, song, book, or whatever in the comments below. Include a link to your work so we can scope it out and see your work. The NMR Artist Spotlight Series will feature at least one artist/musician per month, with the hopes of featuring an artist every week. If contacted, you will fill out an informal electronic interview and/or personal interview, depending on time allowances.
You can also contact: spenayoung@gmail.com directly if you do not want to post your info in the comments. Just put "NMR Artist Spotlight Series" in the subject heading, include a blurb about your work and links. Give us a little bit of time to get back to you if you are selected. Depending on the number of artists that contact us about the Artist Spotlight, you may not receive an individual response immediately. Can't wait to hear from you! :)
How can we get better?
Are there any topics you would like us to cover here at the New Music Resource? Let us know in the comments below. We are working on making this a comprehensive music resource. Your input is important.