Today you have a choice. You can be bombarded by anger on Facebook and social media or you can choose to live your life without hate speech.
How can you do this?
We all have them on our Facebook, Twitter, and social media feeds. Friends, groups, and politicians posting angry memes and hate speech each day. But you don't have to listen to this anymore.
All you have to do is UNFOLLOW.
We don't want to lose our friends over differences. Then we'd just be lemmings, or clones. And who wants to be a lemming? Not me.
But we can choose to UnfollowHate speech today.
So next time a friend or politician or group posts up something that you know is hateful and untrue, go to their page and UNfollow them. This way you can save your friendship and stop the abuse.
Because you have better things to do with your time than be a part of the hate.