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Showing posts from January, 2013

Vox Novus 60x60: Contemporary Composition for the 21st Century

60X60 Dance Nov 13 2009 Winter Garden (Photo credit: Larry L for school ) What do you call sixty one minute works presented in sixty minutes? Some may call it chaos, others may say its semi-schizophrenic, but until you have experienced the eclectic sonic experience known as 60x60 , you are missing out. The brainchild of composer Robert Voisey, Director of Vox Novus and an established composer himself, the 60x60 mixes give audiences the unique opportunity to explore new music in an eclectic fast-paced manner perfect for the 21st century audience.  Each 60x60 mix is unique, and many performance are accompanied by contemporary dance or video. Several video artists have contributed their skills to the 60x60 video mixes, including Patrick Liddell and Zlatco Cosic. Check out the 60x60 Video Mixes. Robert Voisey (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 60x60 mixes are eclectic musical microcosms of the world, with many regional mixes, international mixes, and the Athena Mixes, which fe...

Sound Synthesis Basics: 3 Electronic Music Exercises for Musicians and Music Students

Logic Studio (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Below are three electronic music exercises that will help musicians, music students, and music educators work on their mixing and studio skills. As a music professor teaching sound synthesis I developed these exercises for my beginning Sound Synthesis students who were just beginning to use audio programs like Logic Studio and Garageband to create new music. Any musician can adapt and use these music exercises to work on basic audio skills, including use of audio effects, sound, noise, and music composition. I encourage musicians and music educators to adapt these projects to their own studios and classrooms as useful tools to expand their skills.  Project 1: Effects and Appropriation DESCRIPTION: Students use effects and editing techniques used in class to create a new piece using appropriated material. Students will learn to recognize different types of copyright licenses. Appropriated materials includes use of prerecorded ...