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Showing posts from November, 2012

NMR Artist Spotlight: Experimental Multimedia Xambuca

(NMR Interview with Xambuca member Chandra Shukla) NMR: Tell us about the members and ideas behind Xambuca. XAMBUCA: The group is ever evolving, ever-changing, but the constants in the group are myself (Chandra Shukla) and visual help from Jason Scott-Furr along with vocals and other found sounds from Elisa Faires. Other collaborators have included RK Faulhaber, Todd Mellors (Saifir), Lux Vibratus (Chrome), Larry Thrasher and many others. Xambuca was a reaction to the various genres of music and more specifically to bands and groups who were type-cast into these genres. As there are many types of music we love, we also wish for Xambuca to be the grounds to explore different types and styles within music with varied approaches, varied instrumentation, varied ideas, varied visuals and an ever evolving cast of characters and an overall open-mindedness to anything and everything in terms of sound.   The main objective is freedom from the rules of what we are "supposed to be...

Elements of Music

Discussion on Pitch, Sound, Dynamics, and Instrument Families Elements of Music Unit 1 What is pitch? Dynamics discussion Musical Instruments Voices: Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Alto, Contralto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass Composer Eric Whitaker recorded singers in a dozen countries to create this amazing virtual choral work. Listen to the different vocal types. Women sing the higher parts (ex. soprano) while the men sing the lower parts (ex. bass). What did this music make you feel? Musical Instrument Families Brass Woodwinds Percussion Strings Electronic BRASS Strings Percussion Instruments Percussion Instruments can include: xylophones, marimbas, timpani, drums, bells, triangle, gongs, cymbals, congas, djembe, maracas, cowbell, and the kitchen sink. Check out this video from String Madness which has many famous classical music themes like Mozart's Symphony 40, Ode to Joy by Beethoven, the Willi...

Music Business: 20+ Music Job Ideas

With the doom and gloom of the music industry, many artists are wringing their hands when it comes to making a living and making music. Why is it that the idea of the "starving artist" permeates through our culture? Are we just doomed to play our respective instruments, collect a small pittance, then go hum drum to our "day job" miserably rotting away in an office cubicle? Maybe a century or millennium ago, but not today. With a little tech-savvy and a willingness to broaden your musical horizons, you can enjoy making music and paying the bills. Your day job can be your music job. English: Lady Gaga performing "Poker Face" on The Monster Ball Tour, March 4, 2010 at the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle, England Magyar: Lady Gaga a Poker Face előadása közben The Monster Ball című turnéján. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Now before we go any farther, all the folks that hope to own 25 Hummers, 6 McMansions, and win multiple Grammies on their next amazing ...

Confessions of a Machinima Junkie

Launching a full multimedia production like an opera, film, or concert doesn't require a budget of six figures, hundreds of personnel, and a gigantic venue. If you are willing to go virtual and use the amazing multimedia tools at your fingertips, you can create incredible works of art without breaking your budget. The artist is only limited by technology. Machinima Opera Libertaria: The Virtual Opera Two years ago when I embarked on my modern opera, Libertaria:The Virtual Opera I wanted to create a full-scale opera production. Experience had taught me that just because I created a large-scale work doesn't mean that it would see more than a few live performances in my lifetime. Of course, that has always been a major issue for composers, with most of our famous composers today never enjoying even a modicum of the popularity that they experience in the modern classical music scene. Instead, I decided to use my film school chops and create a feature-length animated opera u...

Drummers You Need to Hear

Image via Wikipedia To mix authentic drum tracks, you need to know what a good drummer sounds like. Sure, you could set your band in the box to play some cheesy drum riffs , but real drummers add variety, excitement, riffs, solos, and insane beats that work musically and are pretty cool, too. So check out some of these drum solos to get some inspiration next time you need to mix a beat. Notice how Neil's beats work with the music and rhythm section and not against it. Lots of amateur drummers and recording artists don't realize that despite all the cheesy jokes, good drummers are great musicians. Their drumming is not all about the drummer, its about the music. Great example of a happening drum solo using electronics for Perfect Drug . Related articles by Zemanta Ayron Jones and the Way's Drummer Is Awesome DREAM THEATER Drummer Mike Mangini - "The Intentions Of The Band Are So Good That It...