Exploring the Extraordinary World of Sabrina Peña Young: A Masterful Classical and Film Composer in the Realm of Sci-Fi Animation The world of music and cinema is an enchanting realm that allows us to escape into fantastical worlds, unravel captivating stories, and experience emotions like never before. Within this realm, the brilliance of classical and film composers shines, and one artist, in particular, stands out – the multi-talented Sabrina Peña Young . In this blog, we dive into the mesmerizing world of this award-winning Cuban American Director and Composer, focusing on her visually compelling animated sci-fi film, "Spiritus," while exploring the fascinating facets of her work as a classical and film composer. Meet Sabrina Peña Young: A Visionary Filmmaker and Composer Sabrina Peña Young , an accomplished Buffalo filmmaker, has carved a niche for herself in the realms of music and cinema. Her creative genius is evident in her visually stunning animated sci-fi film, ...